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Dog Bites Reporter…why?

My clients know I am always preaching the importance of dog communication. So many bites could be avoided if we all just took time to learn more about the four-legged creatures we adopt as family members. The first video (below) shows in slow-motion, play-by-play clarity what happens when you ignore, or in the case of this reporter,…

Frustration Often Mistaken for Aggression

Many owners feel their dogs are horribly aggressive to other dogs based on how the dog reacts while on leash. This is exactly what Molly’s owners thought when they dropped her off for my FAST TRACK, two-week board and train program. It turned out that Molly, a one year old Maltese, LOVES hanging with other…

Video / Everyone loves a puppy, but…

Everyone loves a puppy. But when the puppy is a rambunctious, 95-pound German Shepherd, impulse control and manners become critical. Take a look at this “before-and-after” of one of my recent students — Comiskey.

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